What is the time zone in Miramar Beach, FL?

Miramar Beach, FL is in the Central Time Zone.

What airport will I fly into?

There are 3 airports to choose from when flying into the area.

  • Destin-Fort Walton Beach Airport (VPS) is about 28 miles from the host hotel.
  • Panama City Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport (ECP) is about 41 miles from the host hotel.
  • Pensacola International Airport (PNS) is about 85 miles from the host hotel.
How can I get to the hotel from the airport?

Destin-Fort Walton Beach Airport (VPS) 

The Destin-Fort Walton Beach Airport has the industry’s top rental car agencies conveniently located in the lower level baggage claim lobby, with on-site vehicle availability. https://flyvps.com/transportation/rental-car-agencies/

Taxis are available at the curb at the Baggage Claim end of the terminal. Please contact them directly to make your travel arrangements. Please note that these transportation services are privately owned so the cost is subject to change at any time. https://flyvps.com/transportation/ground-transportation/

Pre-arranged Ground Transportation services are provided by private companies and their pricing is subject to change. Drivers of pre-arranged transportation may meet you in the Baggage Claim lobby on the lower level of the terminal, or in the pre-arranged pickup area https://flyvps.com/transportation/ground-transportation/

Panama City Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport (ECP)

A variety of ground transportation options make it easy to access surrounding areas from Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport. Please use the link below to find the rental car, taxi, or shuttle service that works best for you! https://www.iflybeaches.com/airport-info/ground-transportation

Pensacola International Airport (PNS)

Pensacola International Airport has a variety of ground transportation options that make it easy to access the surrounding areas.  From taxis to ride sharing, to rental cars and shuttles, PNS strives to make it easy for you after your flights. Please use the link below to find the rental car, taxi, or shuttle service that works best for you! https://flypensacola.com/go/ground-transportation/

What will the weather be like in April?

During the month of April, Destin boasts average highs in the 70s and lows in the 60s with low humidity. The average night-time temperature is usually in the mid-60s°F so a light jacket is recommended for the cooler Spring evenings.

When should I arrive at the conference?

We recommend you arrive Sunday, April 14 before the member sessions begin at 3:00 pm.

What is the recommended attire for the conference?

Conference attire will be casual and comfortable. Layered clothing may provide the greatest comfort since meeting room temperatures may be cool.

How can my organization become a sponsor?

Contact Lori Wolking, NAEC’s National Development Officer, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 301-852-8110.