The NAEC Spring Conference Starts In…

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March 20-23, 2022 @ Hyatt Regency Sarasota

Register to Attend

Each year, NAEC’s Spring Educational Conference offers a robust agenda of education, business development, and networking that make the event a celebrated annual institution for the NAEC membership.

From invaluable educational content and exceptional networking opportunities to well-deserved relaxation time, Spring Conference provides attendees an engaging venue for furthering their professional knowledge and connections while enjoying the moment.

In addition to the speaker sessions , attendees can also enjoy recreation and leisure options that include golf tournaments and the infamous Dregs Party.

Contact Danielle Chappelear at for any questions.


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While we have a number of rooms blocked at the Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort for the conference, any unsold rooms will be released for sale to the public on March 22, 2024. Waiting until that date will not ensure that you will get a room. Rooms are sold on a first-come, first-served basis. The housing link will be available when you register for the conference.
